Tuesday, December 18, 2012
What is more important to you, appearance or personality?
I think personality is the key to make a relationship work. If you go for the looks, your always or at least most of the time, are going to have unsuccessful relationship. I think you have to be in balance in your relationship, not everyone is perfect and of course there's going to be fights but you have to know when enough is enough. Looks is a good thing, so if they have both, then that's even better for you. It all depends on your personality too. If your the type that your goofy and your girlfriend or boyfriend is too, then it works out. Maybe your the complete opposites but still work perfectly fine, then that is good too. But it is not always about looks. If that was the case, people all around would be unhappy.
What is your favourite song and why?
I don't really have a fovrite song but there is one that I really like. Its by Bruno Mars and its called "Count on Me". Its like the type of song that you dedicate to a friend or just someone. Its cute and it really works when someone needs a shoulder. I mean, I would like to have that support. Its just one of those emotional, cute songs. He makes music that kinda makes sense sometimes. I think he's a good artist because he doesn't really say bad words or stuff like that. Its not my favorite song though.
What is your favourite time of day?
My favorite time of day is any day that I can take a nap without anyone bothering me. I love to sleep because I can beraly sleep with out waking up or have someone bother my sleep. I love to be with my boyfriend to because we like to play around alot, or like goof around. And because he feeds me when were outside of campus, at least most of the time he does. I like to be lazy too, I love movie nights. Any nights that all this happens, or one of this things happens.... then that is my favorite day.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
What do we mean when we say, "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"?
I think this means that you can impress, have more "friends', or opportunities if you are nice to people or treat them how you would like to be treated. For example, lets say you get a job interview and the person interviewing you is the kind of person that jokes around. It would be good to joke around with him too. But basically what this quote means is that people will be nice to you or have more things to your favor if you show the brighter side of you. Like you can try being nicer, it'll get you friends or give you a chance. You might not like the person but it'll be for your benefit afterwards. Some people go throughout the world thinking that they can do whatever they want and they'll get whatever they want by yelling at people. Not everything works like that or so easily.
"Lamb to the Slaughter" Irony Paragraph.
In "Lamb to the Slaughter," Roald Dahl uses irony to make the story memorable. For example, the narraot explains "No, I've got meat thanks. I got a nice peice of lamb, from the freezer", when she allready took the peice of lamb out the freezer and murdered her husband with it. This shows that the story is ironic because the lamb isn't actually in the freezer like she says. In fact she allready used it as a murder weapon instead of food. This also shows that this surprises the reader because Mary is able to think of an alibi immediately after she murders her husband. In addition, the narrator also says, "Probably right under our very nose. What you think Jack? And in the other room, Mary Moslonry began to giggle." This shows that the readers knows that the detectives are eating the evidence, which is why Mary giggles. Sincethe readers know and the characters do not, this is dramatic irony. This also shows thats, in this situation, the readers feel like yelling at the detectives because the evidence is "right under our very noses. In conclusion, "Lamb of the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl uses irony to make the story memorable.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
How would you feel if someone told you that you were his or her best friend?
I would feel awkward if I beraly knew the person. For example, a few months ago there was a girl who thought I was her best friend because she would tell me everything and I told her somethings but that didn't mean I was, well I didn't feel like she was. But its different if someone that you feel like is your friend and you guys can get to that point then well yeah, its different. Its just awkward if its not like that because you don't know what to tell the person. They might get mad or something, like they might not like you after that. Or they might not trust you because some people take it to the heart.
Monday, December 10, 2012
What makes your best friend your best friend?
Something that really makes a best friend, is someone who is always there no matter what. Someone that is there even though you guys got in a fight or arguement. Someone who listens to you and is trustworthy. A best friend is someone you can count on when you need them. Ita those special moments that you guys and that no body else gets. Or when they are the only ones who understand you. A best friend is someone who is probably the complete opposite of you or maybe someone who is exactly like you. Thats how I think of it.
"Notes from a Bottle" Ambiguity Paragraph.
In "Notes from a Bottle," James Stevenson's use of ambiguity engages the reader. For example,
the narrator explains "Cheerful voices can be heard echoing in the fire stairs", while the water is
rising. This shows that It keeps the reader entertained because they don't know why they are
happy and partying when something so bad is going on. This also shows that motivation is
ambiguous is because we don't understand why they are parting instead of crying for their lives.
In addition, the narrator also says "There is still no explanation for the flood, beyond the rumors
shouted from one building to another” because they don’t know how or why the flood happened.
This shows that It's ambiguous as to where the flood is coming from and why it keeps getting
higher. This also shows that It makes people want to read more and find out. In conclusion,
“Notes from a Bottle” by James Stevenson use of ambiguity dioes engage the reader.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
I wish I had one more chance to..... Then I would.....
I wish I had so many chances to not make the mistakes I did. With maybe just one more chance i would be at my mom's house, with my family. Though I don't regret anything, sometimes I think to much and regret every single bad mistake. Like if I hadn't been late to my pick up time yesterday, I wouldn't have my passes taken away for a week or maybe even longer. We do stupid stuf sometimes with out even thinking about it, and sometimes if we would have just thought about the consequences, then we wouldn't regret what happend, or be sad, mad, angry and live with that mistake. Thats how I think about it, but then again if we wouldn't had made the mistakes that we did, or the things that hapened in our lifes then we wouldn't be the person we are today.
Friday, December 7, 2012
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 15
Cell phones are not safe to use while driving. For example, when you text or just use your phone for anything behind the wheel, its hard to maintain a fixed speed. This shows that the chances of someone getting into a car accident are high, then the person has to ASSESS the amount they have to pay to fix their car or the other person's car and injuries if there is any. In addition, when speaking on the phone, lets say the person gets an overwhelming news or something totally not RELATED to that and their whole speed changes, either to slow or to fast. Now, that can really be a drag. This shows that texting and using your phone is not so safe for anyone. The CONCEPT of using a bluetooth or having your car speak to you, is the same thing. The person can get any type of news that changes their mood and causes them to crash and end up in a bad accident. In conclusion, cells phones are not safe while driving.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
What do you think about people who are inconsiderate of others?
I think that anyone who doesn't take a moment to think about the other person's feeling is just stupid or has no brain. They should probably take a moment to think about what the person is going to feel or how he/she is going to act. I think it come natural to a lot of people most of the time but then then theres people who just don't care about others and it may cause them some difficulties. I like to take into consideration other people's feelings, reactions and thoughts. It comes naturally for some reason.
What do you like to do in your free time?
When I lived in San Diego I would get home and do my homework and finish my chores and then head out or watch a movie. Most of the time I would be outside with my friends or I would be in the beach. I liked to stay after school to juts to do random stuff. In my free time I would also like to watch movies nad chill. Now that I live in SPA , In my free time I either sit at home and rest, wtach movies or sleep when I can actually fall asleep. I love to be with my boyfriend to because its juts fun and takes my mind of things. Thats really what I love to do in my free time.
Monday, December 3, 2012
What is your most indispensable possession and why?
Thursday, November 1, 2012
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 10
Women should be required to register for the Selective Service. For example, women already make fifteen percent of active duty and sixteen percent of commissioned officers. This also shows that women should have a VOICE in getting them required to register for the Selective Service. This also shows that, in this past centuries or years, women have become physically and emotionally stronger and have the capacity of doing anything they set their minds to. In addition, the FACTOR to have a better and stronger military is to include women in all or most missions. Women have earned a place in this, most women in the U.S have leadership, and determination, which in the Selective Forces is a very good thing that benefits the PLOT and country.In addition, women already serve in Afghanistan and Iraq. In conclusion, women should be required to register for the Selective Services.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
What is your most indispensable possession and why?

Friday, October 26, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 9
Junk food should be banned from high school vending machines. For example, the government puts limits on schools vending machines so that they can stop child obesity. Studies have shown that this restriction is showing that cutting down on junk food in schools is helping, the government's STRATEGY is to stop the junk food in schools and try to stop child obesity the most they can or to reduce it. In addition, according to PREVIOUS researches students are cutting down on 160 calories a day, in California than in other fourteen states. Another example can be that many parents like to control their child's diets, parents like to have the ALTERNATIVE to control their child's junk food eating. This shows that parents will do anything they can to prevent their children from eating less junk food. In conclusion junk food should be banned from high school vending machines.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Does Your Homework Help You Learn?
I think that homework, helps you learn more than the actual lesson in class. One reason is because it actually makes you think more and to get the right answer you have to process the question or problem deep inside your brain to understand it and get it. Another reason is because you don't have someone always talking to you, or telling you what to do, you have the experience of doing it yourself and making a few mistakes. Another reason would be because sometimes, you get a sense that you know your doing the problem wrong or that you something went wrong, so you let yourself know. I think it actually helps with you independent side, it teaches you how yo do stuff independent with out anyone's help.
“Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.”
Obstacles are just what you see when you take your eyes off your goals. You think of the "what ifs" and start to fear that you might not have a chance to make it. To achieve a goal you have to really want it and know that you have the power, capacity, and will to achieve it. There is nothing in the world that is impossible, you have to be in the state of mind that your are capable of doing it and achieving it, and following through it. Once you achieve that certain goal, you feel power and pride of what you have just done. Thinking you can't do it, won't get you anymore.
A “visit” to a hospital, doctor’s office, or dentist’s office
I've gone to the hospital more often sense I came to live to SPA. I've gone mostly for injuries, like cuts. I hate hospitals though, I hate their smell and when their lonely. I hate dentist offices too, I hate the smell of it. I'm scared of it because I don't like to hear the drilling noises, I think its because my past experiences weren't so good. I think anyone that has an occupation as a doctor of any type is weird and has some major guts to deal with another person's body issues. All that is disgusting to me, and I can't stand to watch someone being cut open.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 8
The Ten Commandments do not exist at schools. For example, in the 1960's, the Supreme court help school-sponsored unconstitutional. If the Supreme Court says it is unconstitutional, why would anyone go against that because everything else in the U.S that is ruled to be unconstitutional is and remains illegal. This also shows that any school or teacher that decides to teach any kind of religion is taking the ROLE of the child's parent, one reason is because many parents in the U.S go through one religion and many of them do not want their children to be taught something that goes against it. As teachers teach more and more about that one religion, the children start to CONSUME the knowledge about the religion and grow up with that knowledge. No one likes other people putting thoughts on their children heads that they do not want them to learn. In addition, theres a CATEGORY in the United States called "Separation of Church and State", which in this case, the government is supposed to keep religion out of schools or public schools. In conclusion, the Ten Commandments should not exist at schools.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
If you were five years older you would...
If I was five years older I would have all my life figured
out and started. I would be going to college, hopefully UCLA or any other good
college that I prefer. I would have my own apartment, with maybe a little pet,
and preferably not a roommate. By then I would have a car, like a 1970 mustang
or a 1960 Chevelle, or a normal car. I would probably have one kid at least
because I don't want to have kids when I'm too old. I would like to live in a
spacious apartment, or house. I'll have a pit-bull, a gray or black pit-bull.
Hopefully by that time, I have more than 50, 0000 dollars saved and then I can
take vacation trips all over the world.
Monday, October 15, 2012
What would you do if you did very poorly of a test?
I do poorly on subjects I don't really understand or care about, for example in science, sometimes I don't study and the next day I get like a fifty out of a hundred and then feel stupid. I would try to make up the test or do extra credit and/or work to replace or to recover the points I lost on the test. I tend to do all my work in all my classes so that when a test comes up and I don't know anything about it, I'll be good if I fail the test. I like to spell, or I'm good at memorizing things or equations when it comes to math and English.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
What would happen if you could fly whenever you wanted? When would you use this ability?
If I had the ability to fly wherever or whenever I wanted to, I would be all over the world. Most of all, I would spend my time at the beach because the beach is the truly, only place that calms me down, brings the sadness and anger out of me. It changes my mood from bad to good. Its the only place that can really do that. I like to walk, think and just wonder there. I would fly to any other place that makes me happy and calm. Not that I think that there's any other place that can do that, but I would be out wondering through out the world. Enjoying it for as long as I live, taking and living every moment like there is no tomorrow.
Monday, October 8, 2012
What are you afraid of? Why?
I'm deeply afraid of spiders and hurting someone. I sometimes hate spiders because they creep me out or some are to big. I really am scared of hurting someone because then I'll feel bad. I hold back sometimes on my feelings or actions just so I won't hurt the person. I would say yes when they ask me to do something just out of the no where. I'm terribly scared of hurting someone because then I would feel really bad and would just want to take back what I said or did.
What is something that really makes you angry?
Something that really makes me angry is people that are hypocrites. One reason that makes me angry is because the people who are always complaining about something the most sometimes end up doing it. I think or believe that there is two different types of hypocrites, the ones that complain a lot about some one doing something and the ones that see someone do it and say the wouldn't do it but then do it on accident. Another thing I really hate, is some one who says they'll do something and then don't carry out with it. I think I like to see and talk to people who are committed and persistent. People who want something and don't fight for it or act like they can't do it or get it.
Friday, October 5, 2012
What is something you dislike about yourself?
Honestly, my main problem with myself is not being able to trust anyone at this moment. It comes naturally to me, for some reason I seem to not trust anyone. Its not that I dont trust them because of them but because of certains inccedents that have happend earlier on my life, those incedents just broke my chain of trust. It's hard to know who you can trust because theres some people that will be there for you and some who pretend to be there, ones you can't trust. If someone were to really care about you, they'll stand there thru every moment you go through, every cry, every smile, every laugh, every time you just decide to brake a window. Trust is hard to earn but easy to lose.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
What is your favourite month? Why?
My favorite month is June. Not because that my birthday month but because I think its jolly and very summer like. I like the feeling of the summer time. I like to enjoy the sun, not matter how hot it is and I like to be outside. I think that its the best month to be born in, and my mom's birthday happens to fall on the same day and month as mine too. There's so many reasons why I like this month. Everything good happens to me in June, for example my birthday, my mom's birthday, my brother's birthday, my boyfriend's and I date and more things. And last but best reason, because its the perfect time to go to the beach.
Monday, October 1, 2012
What is your favourite holiday? What makes this holiday special?
My favorite holiday is christmas. Its my favorite holiday because I think it brings families closer, its full of joy and happiness. Its always good to see kids happy, running around, waiting to open their presents. I love sharing that joy with my family and making those holiday foods. I like to get presents too. Most of the time I just love to sit there till twelve O'clock and open the presents. I guess the important part for me is the time when we are all together and just spend quality time together, sense most of the year we spent it fighting with eachother, working or doing homework and school.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
What is the worst thing parents can do to their children
In my opinion the worst thing a parent can do is not respond to their child, not give them the love and trust that they need. Its very hard for a child to get or have the love and nurture that they need from their mothers. Its important to have the love from then because then they either go looking for it someone else or they grow up with conflicts inside them and being very quite. I honestly think that a mother's love is something that our souls, body and mind really need. As life continues though, we learn to survive with out it and live a good, happy, normal life. Things sometimes get old, and living with out their love is something sometimes, we have to learn to do.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 5
Vaccinations should be required for all students. For example in the website Vaccines.com it says that your child is 100 more times likely to get struck by lightning then to have a severe allergic reaction to a vaccine. This shows that it is very unlikely that your child or you will have an allergic reaction to a vaccine, and whether they do or not, it will protect you later on from a worse sickness. In addition the website Babycenter.com says or shows that you can still get sick even if you were vaccinated but that does not mean that they don't work, it just means that they are not perfect. This shows that people who are not vaccinated have bigger chances of getting sick or ill. In conclusion, vaccinations should be required for all students.
Monday, September 24, 2012
What advice would you give a new student?
I would tell a new student to take advantage of what they have, simply because you never know what you have until you lose it or way after its gone. I would tell them that your gonna have many obstacles in life but those are just speed bumps that you have to pass to get to your destination. In SPA, there is so many things you can take advantage of, for example when your a senior you have so many opportunities to get a lot of money and even a car. You can get self-passes when you turn sixteen and go wherever you want to go. You can go watch movies with your house, go to amusement parks and most of the time, live a regular life. All that you can get by having good behavior and good relationships with other around you. When drama knocks at your door, all you got to do is not answer it.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
CCS Academic Language Assessment Week 4
The pressure of teen sport has gone to far. For example, athletes are being asked to show up for practice early before school. This shows that they barely have enough time to get ready for school, have breakfast and have a good night's rest. This also shows that in class students will be more tired and sleepy then with regular practice. In addition parents or mostly dads now a day like to have their kids play football or some sort of sport and bride them to play sport, which is piratically forcing them to play. This shows them that those teens do not have a choice in whether they do or do not want to play. In conclusion teens sports have gone to far.
Monday, September 17, 2012
What is something that makes you feel sad?
Something that makes me feel sad is when I see a friend or person that I care about go down. For example, when I see them down or sad and I don't know what to do I feel bad or maybe a little bit sad because when I try to talk to them and they're not responding to the message I am trying to tell them then I really don't know what to do or say. Another thing that makes me feel bad or honestly that kills me is when I see my mom sad or crying, or when she doesn't talk to or do not know whats going on with her.The other thing that makes me feel down or overwhelmed is when I let stuff really get to me and I just sit there and think about it the whole day.Either I always find something to smile or laugh about because I laugh and smile for everything.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
What do we mean when we say, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence"
I think that it means that the second choice or decision that you have is always going to be better. Sometimes people make decisions with out even thinking about them, on the contrary I think they should think about the other choice. debate both choices or "sides" before you make any decision, especially one that will have to be permanent for a long while. Not everything is always going to be "greener on the other side". So next time you have an important decision to make, really thing about both sides first because you never know whats on the other side.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Should parents regulate their teen’s diet and exercise to prevent obesity?
Parents should regulate their teens diet and exercise. One reason they should regulate their teens exercise is be cause being over weight can cause many health problems, for example it increases your chances of developing type two diabetes, strokes, high blood pressure, heart disease and more health issues. APPROPRIATE exercising and eating can help you develop a healthier life, for example it can "protect the brain and ward of mental disorders" says a new review of research states. Living a long and healthy life CONSIST of good routinely exercises and a balanced diet. Americans need to FOCUS on keeping a healthy life and doing activities that are good for their families health. In conclusion parents should regulate their kids meals and exercise.
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 3
Video game makes should not have the right to sell violent video games to minors. One reason is because it is proven in studies that aggression DERIVES from violent video games. This means that a lot of aggressive people get their aggressiveness from violent video games like "Grand Theft Auto". Another reason why violent video games should not be sold to minors is because the video games reward violence and makes the person playing the game that it is okay to hit or shot some on. Some people say that violent video games are good for you so that you can release any type of anger you may have but scientist have ANALYZED and EXAMINED over 130, 000 participants around the world and have proven the contrary. In my conclusion violent video games should not be sold to minors because it is scientifically proven that it increases antisocial behavior and aggression.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
What is your favourite day of the week?
My favorite day of the week is Friday because its the beginning of the weekend. Its relaxing to sit around and do nothing for a whole day, or to just go out and have fun with people you want to be with and enjoy your time with. Its also good to go out to the movies or where ever you want to go. My other favorite day is Monday because that just means its the beginning of a new week and start fresh and because I like school too. Or any other day when there is no drama and do have to do anything the whole day.
Monday, September 10, 2012
If your friend told you of a secret plan to run away from home, what would you do and why?
If my friend were to tell me that she is going to run away from home I would tell her to rethink it before she does anything. If she were to be like a sister to me then I really would tell her to think about it again because one day she'll wanna leave the place ans the other she'll want to come back. I would also tell her to think about it because you never know what can happen to anyone in the streets because we live in a cold world. I wouldn't let some one I care about make a mistake like that because I would really miss them and feel bad if something bad were to happen to her or him. If they weren't my friend then I would tell them to think about it again because whatever problem they are going through, they will sooner or later get over it and one day will regret leaving what once was their home.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
What is the best advice you ever received?
The best advice I have ever gotten was, "don't let little things or people ruin your day". It makes sense because If you think about it you live life day by day, and if every time something bad happens in your life you go cry or be mad and sad then your going to live a very stressful life. Life is meant to be enjoyed with love, happiness, and people who care and enjoy being around you. Its meant to make the best out of, no matter what the circumstances are. Enjoy what you have, and realize what you have before you lose it because when you do it'll be to late and you'll want it back. Don't hold grudges because they get you no where in life, and because it makes you some sort of hateful person. Your future doesn't make your present, you make what you make out of it, so learn from your mistakes and correct them in the future. And my favorite of all, don't take anything or anybody for granted because you never know what could happen.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Should you go to jail for harassing someone via text message or on a social networking site?
You should go to jail for harassing someone on a social network. One reason is because harassing someone in a social network or TEXT is still making someone fell uncomfortable and should know and understand how they are making the person feel. Another reason is because when bullies bully other people on "Facebook" or "Myspace", it is still MAINTAINED as bullying. Another reason is because many people commit suicide for being bullied or harassed because it makes them feel uncomfortable, exams have proved that harassment and bullying a person causes the AFFECT of a deterioration of the victim's physical and mental health. Additionally, if harassers don not learn the consequences of harassing they will keep doing it to others. In conclusion people should go to jail for harassing people via text or a social network.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
When you are angry, how do you look?
Some people when they get mad, they get their anger out by doing things they'll probably regret later on. Many let violence take over, or some people like to talk and vent. When I am angry I choose to hide my emotions or turn down everyone that tries to talk to me. I hide my emotions because I was thought that not everyone will understand you or get what you're going through. Later on when I get home I write about it to get out of my system, if I ever do say or do something rude to someone, it may be because that's the person I am angry at. I like to smile and get along with my day with no worries, and without anyone who tries to ruin it. I've also learned to smile and live everyday like you would if it was your last because we only have one life and you have to make the best out of it.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Do video-game makers have the right to sell violent video games to minors?
Parents notice that when you have a child in our household you have to be careful with what you say and do, "Monkey see, monkey do" DERIVES from those actions. Studies have shown that violent video games are linked with agressiveness. Violent video game are more harmfull to the brain because the game is active, whereas watching your TV is passive. The games reward the player by giving them points or by letting players advance to the next level, this teaches the brain that it's right or rewarding to make a violent action. There were over 130 studies EXAMINED and over 130,000 people surveyed. The studies ANALYZE the video games and show that they do increase aggresive thoughts, angry feelings, and aggresive behavior. In conclusion violent video game makers should not be able to sell to minors.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Portfolio - Future
I like to wonder sometimes about what the future has for me. My goals for my future is to finish high school and college, and major in Engineering and Mechanics. I want to have a 1970 Mustang, and a range Rover. Have a big or little house by the beach or in the open field. I would Love to have a family in the future. I've learned that you have to set high goals for you, and really do what you need to do to achieve them. I know that in order to achieve my goals, all I really need is a good education and some one that will be there to support me all the way through. I have a lot of people who know what I am capable of, and are always there to help no matter what. I believe I will achieve my goals because I know that if set my mind to it, I will eventually make it come to life.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Romeo & Juliet - Love at First Sight
I do not believe in love at first sight. For example I believe it takes time to get to know a person and realy fall in lone with their person and way of being. Another reason is because you don't realy know anyone till you get the chance to live with them for a period of time. Additionally, once the two persons get to realy know each other, then they will truly know if its love or not, they might not like the way his or her partner does somethings. Romeo and Juliet's love is not sincere because they fell in love the second minute they saw each other, with out taking a their time or breath to realy know each other.
Monday, June 11, 2012
"Romeo & Juliet" Before You Read
William Shakespeare was a famous writter in the history of the enlighs language. He was famous for his plays, he wrote 37 plays in all. He was born in 1564 in England, he got married at age 18 and after he moved to London. He was famous for his plays and acting. Shakespear plays told stories about kings and queens back in the days. Shakespear also wrotte comedies. In 1599 his company opened a new theater for him, it was called 'The Globe Theater". His tragic stories were considered to be his best work. He died in the year 1616, at the age of 52. People still remember him by replaying or reenacting his plays now a days.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Academic Language Week 38 - Video Games in School Curriculum
Video games should not be used in school curriculum. One reason is because the main ASPECT of school is to learn about history, math and etc. Another reason is because the students will get used to the games, and as a CONSEQUENCE they will complain about going back to their old classwork ways. Additionally, the students may forget that the whole point of the game is to learn about the subject they are studying, they will get more into the FEATURES. In conclusion schools should not use video games into their curriculum.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Personal Changes Blog Paragraph
At the beggining of my freshman year, I was careless about school, getting in trouble andshy. Now I am a little more into school, getting my work done and acheiving my goals. This shows that whatever I choose to do, I can acheive. This also shows that time has made me grown up more and take responsibilty for my actions. In addition, school has becomed a better place for me to get away from the problems and bad situations. This also shows that, I have improved in my academic grades and citizinship. This also shows that, a few months ago I wasn't very different, though I was very shy. By my senior year, I hope to be less shy, with all my credits, open-minded and way more outgoing.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Academic Language Week 37 - Unhealthy Meal Choices
The fast food industry should not be allowed to target kids with unhealthy meal choices. One reason is because they use the THEORY of putting toys and playgrounds in their restaurants, they use a toy for every kids meal. Another reason is because most children eat three houndred calories or more in one meal, the calories they eat in one kids meal should not be SIMILAR to the amount of calories they should be taking in, in a day. Additionally, McDonalds, Burger King, etc. are America's top weight gaining fast food restaurants, America is number 1 in the weight gaining SECTION. In conclusion kids should not be a target of the fast food restaurants.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
SPA Policy Blog Paragraph
One policy that I wish could be changed is have internet in the cumputers that we have in our rooms. Currently, this policy says that we can have computers in our rooms, but with out internet. One reason it should be changed is because we need computers to do our homework. Also, most of the time kids in SPA don't have anything to do because they re in the middle of no where, and they can't go on outings because their in 2-hour. If the SPA derictor does not put internet in our rooms is to stop us from going into some bad websites, they can simply block the websites in the internet. If this policy was changed, I would spend more time in my room doing my homework and makeing up late work.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Academic Language Week 35 - Sweatshops
Sweatshops are a violation of human rights. One reason is because they get paid below minimum wage for their LABOR, they put more work in than in any other job, some work the whole day and only get paud 5 dollars. Another reason is because they do not sign any sort of CONTACT that says if the worker gets hurt or anything shall happen to him, the company will cover the medical bill and will pay the worker for the days he is gone for. Additionaly, the sweatshop factories do not APPLY any break times for their workers, or lunch for their employes. In conclusion sweatshop factories are a violation of human rights.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Academic Update Blog Paragraph
My career goal is to become a Mechanical Engineer. This job involves fixing cars, putting in the motors, paint jobs and more. I want to do this job because I love cars, and even though I don't know how to drive yet, I like the thrill of driving and being in car that goes 70mph. I will achieve this goal by finishing high school and going to UTI college for Mechanical Engineering for about two years and then going to a four year university. I will remained motivated to become a Mechanical Engineer by looking at awesome cars that remind me why I want to do this career.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Academic Language Week 33 - American Students
Cell phones should be allowed in schools. One reason is because many students can PERSUADE their teachers to allow them to use their cell phones during free time or when they need a calculater, and it comes in handy. Another reason is because most principals let their students use their phones in lunch or passing period, many teachers CRITIQUE the principals for letting the students use their phones because they think they'll do something thats not right with it but the students now in days are more mature. Additionally, the CONTRAST between having students with and with out phones is a big difference, most students do their work if the teacher knows how to handel the situation. In conclusion students should be allowed to have cell phones in school.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Academic Language Week 33 - American Students
American students are falling behind academiclaly COMPARED to students in other countries. One reason is because many high schools get low test scores, this is because students don't try most of the time. Another reason is because students these days get only 3 or 4 hours of sleep and are tired in school which causes lack of work. Additionaly, the DATA reports puts the U.S in 21st place, the test scores that high school students turn in are low. The RANGE of time that students get to study for the SAT's is enough, most students choose to not do their work. In conclusion American studnets these days are falling behind every other country.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Ironic Story Blog Post
Once upon a time there was a princess and a handsome young peasant. The princess and the young man were crazy in love and had no doughts about their love. There was just one problem that separated the princess and her love, the princess's father thought that the young man was not worthy of his young daughter's beauty. The princess knowing that her father would not let them be togethar, she ran away to be with her loved one.The princess and the father not knowing that the young man was rich, and wealthy but chose not to show it, and lived in a much simpler way.The young peasant knowing too that the father would not let them be together, he went in peace to talk to the father and ask him for a chance, while he said he would never allow such craziness, the young man decided to back off and for the love he had to set her free. A day later, the princess arives at the young man's house and says "I came to be with you my love". When the princess's father found out that her son-in-law was a wealthy man, he soon felt foolish and stupid for having such actions. The princess and the young man, went on to live together and get married.
(My house, just kidding......)
(My house, just kidding......)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Academic Language Week 32 - Exit Exam
Students should not have to pass a high school exit exam to get a high school diploma. One reason is because it cost a lot of money to DISTRIBUITE the test and send them out. it would save a lot of money if instead the students do a portfolio. Another reason is because it's hard to OBTAIN all the kids to get take the test at a good time, many students then struggle to take the test before they graduate. Additionally, the students time to take the test may VARY and they will not be able to graduate intil they take the test, students might want to drop out of high school and take the easy way out.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Academic Language Week 31 - Teen Vandals
Parents of teen vandals should not be held responsible for their child's damage. One reason is because punushing a or the parents for something they didn't do, doesn't COMPUTEhould the parents pay for the damage their kids did when they did not even know that was going through their mind. Another reason is, a lot of parents in the U.S are middle class and can not ACHIEVE the amount of money that the vandalized place or company is asking for. Additionally, parents should have to pay for their kids damage because they were not the ones that made the damage, SPECIFIC people should pay for the damage caused because they were the ones that caused the damage. In conclusion, parents should not pay for their child's mistake.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Spring Break Blog Paragraph
During spring break, my mood was awesome. For example, I got to spend a lot of time with my family and do fun stuff with them. This shows how much I love my family and being with them. This also shows that getting out of SPA for at least a week can be the best thing ever. In addition I got to eat some freshly made Ice cream and pizza. This shows how much I love food, and especially when I don't pay for it. Looking back, it would of been much better if I had spent time with my best friend and my brother because I miss them the most. My mood for the entire spring break was relaxing, calmed and just happy to be with my family.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Academic Language Week 29 - School Conferences
Parents should not face jail time for missing their child's school confrences. One reason is because most parents or families in the U.S are middle class, that can mean that they have two jobs and work very hard to provide their families with roof over their heads and food to eat, that can stop the parents from going to their child's confrence because having food on the table is more important to SEEK. Another reason is because most parents can't TRANSFER from one place to another in a minute, they are most likely to run late or not even show up at all. Additionaly, the parent can be a single mother or father that has one or two jobs to support their family, they need one or two RESOURCES to live stable in San Diego or the U.S. In conclusuon parents should not go to jail, it's not fair to them or their kids because they can with out parents and believe me, thats something a child does not want.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Trayvon Martin Paragraph
George Zimmerman should be charged with murder for shooting Trayvon Martin. For example Zimmerman was fixated on crime and focused on young, black males, this shows that Trayvon could or is another one of his victims. This shows that Zimmerman was targeting Martin for his color, I'm not sure but I think you call this racism. Zimmerman called the police 46 times sense Jan. 1, 2011. This guy is either very insecure or a total racist. Additionally in April 201, Zimmerman called the police to report a suspicious black male, 7-9 years old and skinny build. This shows that the guy is a total freak, and should probably be told not to call the police more than 3 times a month just when he feels threatened.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Academic Language Week 28- GPS on Students
Students should have GPS attached to them. One reason is because many students often arive late to school or ditch school, the CONDUCT the students have or carry on into other is a bad habbit. Another reason is because it would be a good ELEMENT to help the students get into a routine of arriving on time to school and class. Additionaly it would benefit the school with more attendance in the students side, with more attendance the school gets more money. In conclusion the ADMINISTER of the school will have better results with the GPS bracelit on the tardy or truant students.
Monday, March 19, 2012
: Rain, Vacation, or Zombies vs Vampires Blog Post Paragraph
Raining day are relaxing. For example when it rains in San Diego, almost everyone is happy beccause San Diego is a dessert type city. When it rains most people don't do anything, for example some people don't work on rainy days if their job is construcution or outside restaurants. They stay home and relax, and maybe listen to some music and drink hot chocolate. This shows that rainy days in San Diego are always something positive. The next time it rains, I hope it rains the whole time so I can relax and listen to calm music.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Academic Language Week 27 - Drug-Sniffing Dogs
School officials do not have the right to use drug-sniffing dogs. One reason is because it's under the Constitution, and everything else that's under the U.S constitution, we follow, so why should this be the exception? It shouldn't. Another reason is because may students find it unfair to have someone else go through there stuff when they are not there, sense they sometimes take the students out to smell their stuff. In conclusion a lot of people do not having their stuff checked by anyone, and if their stuff is under the school's property, they should still have privacy.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Testing Thoughts Paragraph
I feel that that you really have to study the California High School Exam. I know that the two main subjects are english and math. Im not really concerned abou the math part, except for the Geometry problems because I'm not good at Geometry, Im a little more concerend about english because I don't remember much about all those rules or much about it. I'm confident that I'll get most of the math part right because other than the Geomery, I'm really good at math. When I see my CAHSEE scores, I hope to feel proud of myself and to have other people be proud for me too.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Academic Language Week 2 - Cars
I would want a car that drives itself. One reason is the OCCURRENCE that some people have disabilities and can't drive their own car, it would help them if the car could drive itself so they can get to their destination. Another METHOD is because there would be less accidents, technology is smarter than humans and can be a little bit more reliable. Lastly the PROCEED would be more efficient to use electric cars, they would take up energy and not gas. This is way I would prefer a car that drives it self but there is many more reasons.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Homonyms Practice Blog Paragraph
When I was in sixth grade, THERE was a camp I went to that I liked so much. We stayed for a week. When we got to the camp, they told us one of the bus was stuck because of the snow. They said that THEY'RE going to be late for about an hour.THEIR food was really good and especialy their deserts. The second day when we got to the camp they woke us up at 6 and said "come on YOU'RE going snowboarding!" I was so happy because I had never been in the snow before and I was excited too. I loved the bread they had in the mornings so every breakfast I would tell my friend "I'm taking YOUR bread, so watch out" I think sixth grasde camp was such a great experience for me.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Academic Language Week 24 - Online Learning
Teachers use technology to help me learn. For example in 7th grade, my teacher used a game on the computer called "Learning Upgrade". It helped me because it gave us practice in algebra 1, so we would use that program everyday to help us with our math. I remember she made us complete a level every week until we got to level 100. The computers were a daily thing, actually the only thing we did on the computers was "Learning Upgrade". I liked it because it actually helped me more and I understood it more than I understood my teacher because I knew if I got a problem wrong it would make me do it over and over again until I got it right. Well it had patience, something my teacher didn't have.
Back in 7th grade for most of my classes we used computers. For example in my math support class, my teacher had us work on the computers too. We had another game that helped us with math, it helped us with counting money and using the time table. My teacher just gave us instructions on what to do and what website to go to. Since my school was IB, technology was part of every class everyday. Well that was the point of being IB, involving technology in the learning proccess. We were encouraged to use it.
In 7th and 8th grade science class we used computers almost everyday. We would watch videos that had to do with the human body, plants, earth or the solar system. We had to do research on whatever subject we were studying, or when we had to study for a test. I remember my 7th grade science teacher gave us homework online, we had a deadline. So she would give us two days to complete it and turn it in and after the deadline we couldn't turn it in.I think that was the only thing I hated about my science class. In my eight grade science class it was a little different, he had us watch "Brain Pops" almost every day and after we finished watching it, we would take the Brain Pop quiz and email the scores to him. After that he would give us a test on the Brain Pops and everything else.
Throughout most of my eigth grade year, my english teacher had us use the computers almost everyday. Since it was an english class, we did essays most of the time. It was every week thay we had to do an essay on different topics, for example I remember the first essay we had to do was about a move that had changed your life. I of course wrote about moving out of my mom's house. It only takes a day to write your rough-draft and two days to correct it, if its a five paragraph essay. Most of the week we would usually do our warm up and then right after that take the computers out.
You can see how everyday technology developes more and more. We use it more and more whether we use computers, ipads, phones, laptops and even ipods. It actually helps us learn more using technology than having to listen to our teachers go over lessons, homework and classwork. Students like to get to point most of the time and technology would give us more opportunities. In conclusion I think teachers in the future should use technology more in and out of class.
Back in 7th grade for most of my classes we used computers. For example in my math support class, my teacher had us work on the computers too. We had another game that helped us with math, it helped us with counting money and using the time table. My teacher just gave us instructions on what to do and what website to go to. Since my school was IB, technology was part of every class everyday. Well that was the point of being IB, involving technology in the learning proccess. We were encouraged to use it.
In 7th and 8th grade science class we used computers almost everyday. We would watch videos that had to do with the human body, plants, earth or the solar system. We had to do research on whatever subject we were studying, or when we had to study for a test. I remember my 7th grade science teacher gave us homework online, we had a deadline. So she would give us two days to complete it and turn it in and after the deadline we couldn't turn it in.I think that was the only thing I hated about my science class. In my eight grade science class it was a little different, he had us watch "Brain Pops" almost every day and after we finished watching it, we would take the Brain Pop quiz and email the scores to him. After that he would give us a test on the Brain Pops and everything else.
Throughout most of my eigth grade year, my english teacher had us use the computers almost everyday. Since it was an english class, we did essays most of the time. It was every week thay we had to do an essay on different topics, for example I remember the first essay we had to do was about a move that had changed your life. I of course wrote about moving out of my mom's house. It only takes a day to write your rough-draft and two days to correct it, if its a five paragraph essay. Most of the week we would usually do our warm up and then right after that take the computers out.
You can see how everyday technology developes more and more. We use it more and more whether we use computers, ipads, phones, laptops and even ipods. It actually helps us learn more using technology than having to listen to our teachers go over lessons, homework and classwork. Students like to get to point most of the time and technology would give us more opportunities. In conclusion I think teachers in the future should use technology more in and out of class.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Academic Language Week 25 - Concealed Handguns
Adults should not have the right to carry a concealed gun. One reason is because adults should ESTABLISH a good be a role model for young adults because many kids today learn most of the things they know from adults. Another reason is an accident may happen while with the gun and it may be hard for the owner of the gun to JUSTIFY what happend. Additionally the gun may or can be used in the wrong way if it were to be in the wrong hands. In conclusion people can INDICATE that carrying a gun can be dangerous because some can die or get hurt.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Technology in School Paragraph
Teachers use technology to help me learn. For example in 7th grade, my teacher used a game on the computer called "Learning Upgrade". It helped me because it gave us practice in algebra 1, so we would use that program everyday to help us with our math. I remember she made us complete a level every week until we got to level 100. The computers were a daily thing, actually the only thing we did on the computers was "Learning Upgrade". I liked it because it actually helped me more and I understood it more than I understood my teacher because I knew if I got a problem wrong it would make me do it over and over again until I got it right. Well it had patience, something my teacher didn't have.
Back in 7th grade for most of my classes we used computers. For example in my math support class, my teacher had us work on the computers too. We had another game that helped us with math, it helped us with counting money and using the time table. My teacher just gave us instructions on what to do and what website to go to. Since my school was IB, technology was part of every class everyday. Well that was the point of being IB, involving technology in the learning proccess. We were encouraged to use it.
In 7th and 8th grade science class we used computers almost everyday. We would watch videos that had to do with the human body, plants, earth or the solar system. We had to do research on whatever subject we were studying, or when we had to study for a test. I remember my 7th grade science teacher gave us homework online, we had a deadline. So she would give us two days to complete it and turn it in and after the deadline we couldn't turn it in.I think that was the only thing I hated about my science class. In my eight grade science class it was a little different, he had us watch "Brain Pops" almost every day and after we finished watching it, we would take the Brain Pop quiz and email the scores to him. After that he would give us a test on the Brain Pops and everything else.
Throughout most of my eigth grade year, my english teacher had us use the computers almost everyday. Since it was an english class, we did essays most of the time. It was every week thay we had to do an essay on different topics, for example I remember the first essay we had to do was about a move that had changed your life. I of course wrote about moving out of my mom's house. It only takes a day to write your rough-draft and two days to correct it, if its a five paragraph essay. Most of the week we would usually do our warm up and then right after that take the computers out.
You can see how everyday technology developes more and more. We use it more and more whether we use computers, ipads, phones, laptops and even ipods. It actually helps us learn more using technology than having to listen to our teachers go over lessons, homework and classwork. Students like to get to point most of the time and technology would give us more opportunities. In conclusion I think teachers in the future should use technology more in and out of class.
Back in 7th grade for most of my classes we used computers. For example in my math support class, my teacher had us work on the computers too. We had another game that helped us with math, it helped us with counting money and using the time table. My teacher just gave us instructions on what to do and what website to go to. Since my school was IB, technology was part of every class everyday. Well that was the point of being IB, involving technology in the learning proccess. We were encouraged to use it.
In 7th and 8th grade science class we used computers almost everyday. We would watch videos that had to do with the human body, plants, earth or the solar system. We had to do research on whatever subject we were studying, or when we had to study for a test. I remember my 7th grade science teacher gave us homework online, we had a deadline. So she would give us two days to complete it and turn it in and after the deadline we couldn't turn it in.I think that was the only thing I hated about my science class. In my eight grade science class it was a little different, he had us watch "Brain Pops" almost every day and after we finished watching it, we would take the Brain Pop quiz and email the scores to him. After that he would give us a test on the Brain Pops and everything else.
Throughout most of my eigth grade year, my english teacher had us use the computers almost everyday. Since it was an english class, we did essays most of the time. It was every week thay we had to do an essay on different topics, for example I remember the first essay we had to do was about a move that had changed your life. I of course wrote about moving out of my mom's house. It only takes a day to write your rough-draft and two days to correct it, if its a five paragraph essay. Most of the week we would usually do our warm up and then right after that take the computers out.
You can see how everyday technology developes more and more. We use it more and more whether we use computers, ipads, phones, laptops and even ipods. It actually helps us learn more using technology than having to listen to our teachers go over lessons, homework and classwork. Students like to get to point most of the time and technology would give us more opportunities. In conclusion I think teachers in the future should use technology more in and out of class.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Academic Language Week 23 - Dog Fighting
There are many reasons why dog fighting should be illegal. One reason is that dogs do not have the power to defend them selves like we do, they don't have the POTENTIAL to speak for them selves like we can or even just to stand up for them selves. Another reason is that the FORMULA they use to train the dogs isn't the best; I would say it's the worst. They use other dogs as bait and some even wound up dead. Lastly, the way they treat the dogs in the process of training them and in the fights is very DISTINCT from the way we treat our dogs at home, I don't think we would want our dogs to be treated like that. Therefore there are many different reasons why dog fighting should not be illegal.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Imagery in Poetry Blog Post Paragraph
One day when I was at home and when " Myspace" was around I was sitting down browsing when I suddenly got a message from my boyfriend. The message said, "I'm sorry but it's not working out." While I was reading the message I smelled green enchiladas that my mom was cooking and the smell just carried me away from that breaking heart message. After 10 minutes of starring into the message, my mom called me up to dinner. The taste of those delicious enchiladas made me forget completely about my teared up feelings. When I went back to the computer to reread the message, while I was replying back I felt my fingers were starting to forget where the keyboard's letters where. That day my mom was in a good mood and she played one of her favorite Cd's by Marco Antonio Solis. The song she played just carried me away to a happy place. After that song I felt better than ever.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Academic Language Week 22 - Felons Voting
There are many different reasons why felons should not have the right to vote. One reason is because they lost the source of knowledge they had in there head so they lost the right when they committed the crime. Another reason is if the felons made the poor choice to make a serious crime they are definitely not relevant for a responsibility like voting. Lastly it's complexed for the other people who have totally earned their right to vote to let a felon who has committed a big crime vote. This is why I think felons should not have the right to vote.
T-chart poster link:
T-chart poster week 22
Monday, February 6, 2012
Poetry Previous Knowledge Paragraph
I have had experienced poetry when I was in elementary and when I was in middle school. When I was in 3d grade I used to write a lot of poetry just for fun or because I needed something to do and I was really good at coming up with some phrases, fifth grade came along and I started doing it again but in class because it was classwork. In my 7th grade history class my teacher made us come up with some haiku phrases for a project. I was really good at coming up with poetry when i was little. This year I hope to get back to poetry and learn more about what kinds of poetry there is around the world.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
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