Friday, June 14, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 39 - School year
Students should have a longer school year. According to Huffing ton Spot, "American students have fallen behind the world academically (source link). This shows that the extra school days are needed so that students can catch up. This also shows that having longer summers does not benefit the fact that U.S students are academically behind. According to River Wood Center, "Everyone points to many states that have extended their school year and the results so far gained (source link). This shows that the results would at the end of the road. This also shows that other schools in the country are already doing this and are benefiting from it. In conclusion, students should have a longer school year.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Why would it be good to be honest?
Honesty is the key in life, we'll atleast I think it is. If you ever get cought in a life, people are not going to believe or trust you for a while. Even if the truthhurts or will have some kind of affect on you, its better to get it out the way and out your system. I feel bad when I lie, so I try not to lie or atleast not to tell bad lies. I hate people who lie because then you don't know whether they are lieing all the time and not being honest. Be honest, its the best.
Why do you think some people encourage others to smoke/drink?
In life there is stupid people whp just want to mess up others. They don't want to be alone and have company to smoke or drink with. Some people are smart enough to not get cought in the enfluence but some are not. Some think its cool but if you really think about it its a waste of time, and a waste of your life. I believe that drinking once in a while with a moderation is good but if you take it to far then you should probably think before you act. If you smoke, then you are plain out stupid because that messes up your lungs and can screw you up for life.
Monday, June 10, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 38 - Video Games
Video games should not be used in schools. According to Pamela Paul, "Here’s what I learned: At a certain level on Microwave, the music from the bar scene in Star Wars comes on. If I am at the front line when aliens descend to Earth, we’ll all be in trouble. Also, dealing opium in the South China Sea is more lucrative than trading in commodities. In short, I didn’t learn much of anything. My parents didn’t expect me to. I just had fun." (source link). This shows that all the kids learn is what happens at a certain level and what they have to do in order to ahieve the next level. This also shows that video games are not expected to help kids learn. According to Marcplamondon, "Another valid argument is not whether video games in classrooms could be
beneficial or not but whether schools can even afford to put that type of
technology into classrooms" (source link). This shows that not every student is going to benfit from having video games in schools, every kid leans a different way. This also shows that schools may not have the money to buy the all the equipment needed for the games and the games itself. In conlusion, video games should not be used in schools.
How do you feel when you have had a fight with your best friend?
When I do have fights with my best friends, I have no patience for other people. I feel incomplete without them both. I would feel bad cause I love them. I wouldn't like to put them through that position and I wouldn't like to be in that position either. I do everything with one of my bestfriends and I would feel like one fourth of me is gone, if I get in a fight with the other one than I would feel empty cause I see her in a daily basis. I love both my bestfriends and I want them with me with no type of arguements
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Would you like to be famous? Why or why not? What would you like to be famous for?
The only way I would want to be famous was if I was a famous Engineer or personal trainer, or boxer. I wouldn't like to have any movie stars or singer role. I think that they do the most to try and get at the other famous people life's. It would be to much for me to handle and I think a personal trainer, Engineer or boxer would have fame but fame to that extreme. Paparazzi's this days know exactly where you live, go to the bathroom and go on vacation.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
How do you feel when you want something very badly and you cannot have it? Why is this so important to have?
The wants... is most of the time something we can't have or get. Well it depends what it is... If its an object, thing, or person. You can work hard enough to get whatever thing or object you have. There's always that chance. If its a person, well then that is completely different. Its harder to get over if its a person cause well its not up to us whether we can get "it" or not.. Its up to them. You have to learn to live with what you have, and work for what you want. And if you can't get what you want. always be appreciative for what you do have.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
What would you do if You were the teacher and everyone forgot his homework?
I would be a very strict teacher but at the same time a chile one. I would want my kids to do good, so I would try to push them as hard as I could so they could do good. I would make them do all my homework and if they don't do it, give them an hour in detention to finish it. I would let them listen to music if that is what takes to have them learn the subject. I would try to understand whatever their situation is and help them out if I can.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
What would happen if animals could talk? What are some of the questions you would like to ask animals?
I've always wondered what animals think and how they see everything, like through their point of view. I've always wondred if dogs have black and white eye sight and if they really love their owners like the owners love them. I would talk with insects to see how their life is, how long they live and if they had the chance to choose what they can be, what would it be? I would ask them so many more questions.
Monday, May 20, 2013
What is your favorite book and why?
I like any book that is non fiction. I honestly think that fiction books and those mystery books are stupid. Like the "Child Called It" is good and "It happened to Nancy". Their about real life stories that happened to people. Books with mysteries that are about like kidnaps or murderers are good cause they are real life stuff. I find other types of books boring, but little kids books are good to read... they're entertaining.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 34 - Cell Phones in Schools
Cell phones should not be allowed in schools. For example there is many kids who take advantage of this privilege. In addition, the kids do not pay attention in class, disrupt their learning and sometimes other students. Also, most of the time drama is spread through cell phones, having no cell phones in class would probably stop some drama from going around and spreading. in conclusion, students should not be allowed to have call phones in schools.
What is the worst thing parents can do to their children?
I think there is three main things that a parent can do. Number one, not believe their children but trust others. I think that is wrong depending on the situation because a kid can lie abut misbehaving but about being assaulted, I don't think that anyone has the right to lie about that. Number two, when they don't take care of their kids or give them love. A child needs love and care for the at least ten years. In my believe, some kids grow up different than others because they don't get that their first few years. Number three, abuse them. If a kid doesn't get love and care from them, abusing them will most likely make it worse.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
What is something you are optimistic about?
I'm optimistic about school and other logic things. Well actually things if they're meant to be, they'll be. About leaving things alone and wait for the results, except my boyfriend. When it comes to that, I like to resolve the issue and get it over with. When I'm not sure about something, like if you don't know whats gonna happen, you always have to be prepared for the worst and the best cause you never know what can and will happen. It try to have positive thoughts on things but sometimes when you know its going to go bad or its going to end up bad, well then whats the whole point of being optimistic about it?
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
I think that the play was interesting to see. It is weird to hear another person's story. It gives you another perspective of life. How you can make the right or wrong choices, how what you think isn't always true. It'll be hard to come up with a unique play but not impossible. It'll be fun seeing other people's play though, I enjoy seeing plays especially when they're about real life. The actors were very good too, maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much.
Friday, May 3, 2013
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
What would you do if Your friend had a broken leg? How would you cheer him up?
What is something that makes you feel sad?
Something that makes me sad is when people don't try, especially in school. I know they can do better but they have to think that and push themselves. They can do better if they put their mind to it. You can pay attention and understand the instructions or the subject. Being confident in school will get you far. I don't know how else to help them if they don't try or take advice. I don't like to see them being weak minded when they really are strong and can be much more.
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 33 - American Students
American students are falling behind academically compared to students in other countries. According to Huffing-ton Post, "A report recently published by Harvard University's Program on Education Policy and Governance found that students in Latvia, Chile and Brazil are making gains in academics three times faster than American students" (source link). This shows that other countries are improving or catching up COMPARED to the U.S. This also shows that U.S students are slowing down in education. .According to School Library Journal, "U.S students rank 32 in math and 17 in reading studies" (source link). This shows that schools or students are lagging on DATA with mathematics. This also shows that the U.S can do better and improve on this. In conclusion American students are falling behind other countries.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
What is your favourite room in your home and why?
My favorite room in my house is my room. I can sit there and think. I can do my homework with out anybody bothering me but my roommate, I can listen to music as loud as I want. It really is the only privacy we have other than the bathroom or the shower. You can almost do whatever you want. You don't have anyone telling you what to do or bothering you. Its just quite and relaxing.The best part is thinking without being bothered.
Friday, April 19, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 31 - Vandalism
Parents should not be held accountable for their child's damage. According to, "outside influences probably affected their child's behavior and the parents have no way of knowing what happens every second of their lives" (source link). This shows that other kids could be influencing their kid and the parents don't know or have anything to do with it. This also shows that parents do spend the all day, everyday with their kids and therefor have no way of knowing what or who influences them or drives them to do what they do. According to, "It is unfair because they can not control everything their child does." (source link). This shows that parents work or have duties to attend and can not babysit their kids all day or control what they do. This also shows that they can try to control some part of their lives but they'll make their own choices. In conclusion, parents should not be held responsible or accountable for their child's damage.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
What is a good neighbour?
A good neighboor is one that watches out for your house. One that will let you know if you have pest or people going into your home. A person who relies on you and you rely on them. One that you can give and ask for sugar and one that'll is nice and kind. And if your neighboor is really good, they'll watch your kids and throw your parties. A good eighboor is kind and welcoming with open arms. A good neighboor involves a lot of good characteristics.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Things that make me happy
Friday, April 12, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 30 - "D" Grades
Schools should eliminate "D" grades. According to Gazette Extra, "As the story explains, you wouldn’t pay for “D” quality plumbing, fly with a “D”-rated pilot or dine at a “D” restaurant. So students will only get grades of “A,” “B,” “C” or “F” starting this fall" (source link). This shows that starting this fall students will have to work for a grade higher than "D". This also shows that people wouldn't want "D" quality things. According to The New York Times, "the campaign against D’s works as a way to raise the bar and motivate students to work" (source link). This shows that this movement can help students bring their grade up. This also shows that students will have to bring their grades up in order to pass the class. In conclusion, students should eliminate "D" grades.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
What is something that really bugs you?
Something that really bugs me is when people are really rude for no reason, or when they have an attitude. I do it rarely but it still bother me. It also bother me when people don't listen, you sit there and try to talk to them but they are either talking, ignoring you or just don't care. It also bothers me when people are really immature in a situation that is really not supposed be treated like that. When people are not honest with you, I admit that I was a little lair before but now I can't lie because I'll either laugh or smile and back out out or I'll end up telling the truth.It bothers me when people don't try, I mean in school. They are obviously smart enough to get A's and B's but they are lazy or think that they can't do it.
What is something you dislike about yourself?
Something I dislike about myself is that when I am mad, and some one says something mean to me or looks at me the wrong way, or if I take it the wrong way, I will say something to them and make a big deal out of it. I let little things bother me and sometimes the little things make me so but so mad. I hate it when I do something wrong because I didn't think before I did it and I then afterwards I regret it. I dislike that sometimes I can really be mean to people for no reason.
Friday, April 5, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 29 - School Conferences
Parents should face jail time for missing their child's school conferences. According to "", "jail time is just one part of a comprehensive package designed to encourage parent participation and reduce truancy"(source link). This shows that parents getting involved with the students education can or may help. This also shows that parents can stay in tact with their kids status at school. According to "", "Parents can not just ignore the teachers their attempt to try and talk to them regarding their kids" (source link). This shows that some parents ignore their children's education either because they work all the time or they simply don't care. This also shows that parents do have a say in their children's education and help them when they need the help. In conclusion, parents should face jail time for missing their child's school conferences.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
What is something that really bugs you?
Something that really bugs me now is when people lie. When I was younger I used to lie a lot, and it was easier to get away with. I don't think there was anything serious I lied about though. Now a days, it really does irritate me when people lie. Another thing that irritates me is when there is something wrong with someone and someone else is trying to help but the person just ignores them or pushes them away, or when they do that all the time. It really makes me mad or sad when I see people I care about mad, sad, angry or anything close to that.
Monday, April 1, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 28 - Truant Student
Global Positioning System (GPS) devices should be required for truant students. According to "Los Angeles Times", "Being saddled with a GPS can give students the excuse they need to abandon their friends and go to class " (source link). This shows that the devices can help students get to class earlier and keep them on their feet. This also shows that studies done in other high schools show that this method is effective. According to "NBC Los Angeles", "Students and parents can volunteer for it in an effort to avoid prosecution and fines of up to $2,000." (source link). This shows that this can help parents in a way that they will stay of trouble and not be fined for their children's actions. This also shows that it will keep children of trouble and help them in their education. In conclusion, truant students should be required to get Global Positioning System devices to help them stay of trouble.
Monday, March 18, 2013
What do you think the world needs now?
I think that the world more than ever needs to be united. Its more about being together and help change the world. As for as changing the world, I mean by reducing pollution, Global warming isn't getting any better. It also needs countries to stop fighting each other, we all live in the same world and by fighting and creating wars, our planet gets worse, people don't know that they're are destroying the world themselves little by little. As far as countries being united, racism and discrimination needs to stop. We are all humans and we're only one race. In my belief God did not create us to turn the world into what it is today. In order to achieve something as a community, we need to be united.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 27 - Drug Sniffing Dogs
School officials do have the right to use drug-sniffing dogs. According to "Drug Sniffing Dog", "students who use lockers, are not entirely in total ownership of the lockers because the lockers belong to the school"(source). This shows that when school police is searching through the lockers, the students can not RESPOND with resistance. This also shows that the school has the right to go through the PROCESS of checking the lockers. According to "Investigators: Drug Sniffing dogs in school", "it is the only the way they'll keep the campus clean" (source). This shows that if the school ASSUMES anything, they can check the belongings. This also shows that it is a smart method to keep their school clean. In conclusion, schools do have the right to use drug-sniffing dogs.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 26 - Cars
I would want a car that drives itself. According to "Self Driving Cars now legal in California", "California approved the law of self driving cars" (source). This shows that people can now buy Google's car that drives itself. This also shows that people can now not use their hands. According to "NYTimes", "the car is more accurate than humans and can react faster than humans" (source). This shows that the chances of getting into a car accident are low. This also shows that you will not get hurt if you buy the self driving car. In conclusion, I would want a car that drives itself.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 25 - Concealed Carry
Adults should not have the right to carry concealed handguns. According to "Common Arguments Against Campus Carry", "studies show that ninety-percent of suicides are committed at home" (source). This shows that when a person is buying the gun, the seller can not INDICATE whether the person has a mental issue or is dealing with other traumas that are going to cause him or others to get hurt. This also shows that vendors can not just sell weapons to anyone. According to "Concealed Guns", "carrying handguns is not an effective form of self defense because the person can hurt someone else and not be able to live with it" (source). This shows that if someone makes an mistake, they are not going to be able to JUSTIFY themselves. This also shows that because someone has a gun and can defend themselves, they can ESTABLISH safety. In conclusion, adults should not have the right to carry concealed handguns.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 24 - Online Learning
Online learning is not an effective way to educate students. According to "Online vs Traditional Degrees"(source), "cheating may be easier, leading to doubts in the degree." This shows that it is easier for students to copy from others or even plagiarize. This also shows that the teachers may not DIFFERENTIATE their work from others and give them a grade that they do not deserve. According to "College Confidential" (source), there is lack of in-person interaction with the students and teachers. This shows that not only will the students not interact with each other but neither will they with the professor. This shows also that if they need help CLARIFYING something, it'll will be harder for them to understand the AREA they are reviewing. In conclusion, online learning is not an effective way to educate students.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 23 - Dog Fighting
Dog fighting should be illegal. For example, when dogs are made to fight, the fight isn't over until one is dead or one starts to bleed. This shows that the dogs get hurt badly and there is no DISTINCTION between humans and dogs. This also shows that just like we feel when we have a broken leg, the dogs can feel just as bad pain like we can. In addition, even though the dogs may have the POTENTIAL to fight, that doesn't mean that they want to fight. This also shows that, many people just want to see the fights just for fun. This also shows that, the FORMULA for people earning more money is to bet on the dogs and chargeing people in the entrance. In conclusion, doh fighting should be illegal.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
What do you think about people who are inconsiderate of others?
I think that many people who are inconsiderate of others do not think. For example, if someone disrupts a class while other students are doing their work or trying to learn, then that's just really disrespectful to both the teacher and the students. If someone doesn't care how they treat other and don't mind being treated the same way, then they can go right ahead and do it but there is a high chance that they are going to be treated the same way or worse. It's irritating to see someone like that because sometimes there is just no way that they'll understand. That's my opinion on inconsiderate people but then again I can be a hypocrite sometimes.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 22
Felons should be allowed to vote. For example, it is COMPLEX because once the person gets out of jail, they will try to find a job and soon enough, if they do, they will be paying taxes. This shows that, it is unfair to tax someone and not have them vote. This also shows that, their opinion is RELEVANT sense they do their taxes each years. In addition, there is a big population of felons in our country, this means that we would be cutting a huge SOURCE of the country's vote. In conclusion, felons should not be allowed to vote.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 21
Performance enhancing drugs, such as steroids, should not be allowed in sports. For example, when a drug or "Steroid" is abused, there is a chance it can be psychologically can change and be mutated to cancer. In addition, Steroids have much more affects, for example doctors have proven that you can get "roid rage" which is when the person gets mad, and they can be very aggressive. Also, many other famous athletes work hard to get where they are now, many have done it with determination and no need for Steroids. In conclusion, performance enhancing drugs, such as steroids, should not be allowed in sports.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
What is your favorite time of day?
My favorite time of day, every morning I can't wait to get out of first period. During passing period I see my boyfriend. When I get that morning hug, I wake up and feel warm and loved. Its exciting to see him because he's my boyfriend and who isn't excited to see their boyfriend for the first time in your day? It's good to laugh at his jokes, to just be with him. So my favorite time of the day is any time that I'm with him.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 20
Students should receive a failing grade for plagiarizing. For example, the "copy right" law applies to every published DOCUMENT. This shows that when someone is caught plagiarizing someone else’s work, the publisher has the right to sew. This shows that there is a MAXIMUM of words that the students are allowed to copy, and that is if they put the where they got their information. This shows that any student, who plagiarizes, has the consequence of their ACADEMIC grade go lower. This also shows that the students do not learn anything by copying others work. In conclusion, students should receive a failing grade for plagiarizing.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
If you could only take 3 people with you on a trip around the world, who would you take and why?
If were to go around the world and only take three people, I would for sure take my best friend. It wouldn't be fun without here and so that she can protect me too. I would take my mom too because I really can't be so long without her, she would cook for us too. It wouldn't be the same with out those two. I would aslo take my boyfriend, It would be a lot funnier with him too. I wouldn't be able to spend a long time without him either. It would probably be the perfect trip with them or so I think.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 19
The United States should help countries like Haiti and Japan recover after a disaster. For example, the United States has more connections around the world and anyone can pitch in and help any country that suffered from a natural disaster. This shows that the U.S can ask for backup from Europe, Russia, China or any country that has an alliance with the U.S. This also shows that, whenever the U.S has a natural disaster, there is a chance that they will return the favor back and help us. In addition, the U.S has the biggest Military in the world. This shows that we can send troops to the country and still have extra at home. In conclusion, the U.S should help countries like Haiti and Japan recover from disasters.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Write a blog post about New Year's Eve
Last year, I think was good and bad. I accomplished somethings and I made some bad choices. I'm excited with this year because I think its a fresh start. I can get my grades up, start wokring out more and be more healthy. I really want to work on being heealthy in everything, in school, physicaly, mentaly and in my relationship. I want get in good habits and be able to make more choices without anyone's help or opinion. I want to stop cursing so much too because it just gets old after a while. I want to enjoy more of life than last year. Enjoy life and the world.
Friday, January 11, 2013
What is something you dislike about yourself?
Something that I really don't like about myself is that I can't say no to people. I'll say yes whenever someone asks me to do them a favor or borrow money or stuff like that. I can resist peer pressure but I can't say no to favors. I hate it because sometimes I really don't want to let them borrow money because I know I'm going to need it later but then I'll give it to them anyways. Another thing I don't like about me is when I go places that people want me to go to but I actually don't want to go.
JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 18
The benefits of importing Chinese goods do outweigh the consequences. For example, without China's WTO we wouldn't have the chance or opportunity to FUNCTION with other countries. This shows that without China as an EXPORT and IMPORT partner we wouldn't be able to trade with other Asian countries. This also shows that it makes China responsible for managing the formulation and implementation of U.S trade policy for the other Asian countries. In addition, with exports from China, the U.S gets to buy the products cheaper. This shows that China has much more workers. This also shows that China's employees get paid less because of the number of employees. In conclusion, the benefits of importing Chinese goods do outweigh the consequences.
Monday, January 7, 2013
What is something that really makes you angry?
Something that really makes me angry is when people act stupid. When they can't admit to what they did rong and that the outcome may have been their fault. It irritates me to see someone repeaditly admit when they are wrong and that they made misrtakes but if you can't do that than that just proves that your not mature. It makes me mad too when they lie to someone when they look them in the eyes. When their not sincere because worse than lieing to the person, your lieing about your feelings. That really gets me angry.
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