
Monday, April 30, 2012

Ironic Story Blog Post

Once upon a time there was a princess and a handsome young peasant. The princess and the young man were crazy in love and had no doughts about their love. There was just one problem that separated the princess and her love, the princess's father thought that the young man was not worthy of his young daughter's beauty. The princess knowing that her father would not let them be togethar, she ran away to be with her loved one.The princess and the father not knowing that the young man was rich, and wealthy but chose not to show it, and lived in a much simpler way.The young peasant  knowing too that the father would not let them be together, he went in peace to talk to the father and ask him for a chance, while he said he would never allow such craziness, the young man decided to back off and for the love he had to set her free. A day later, the princess arives at the young man's house and says "I came to be with you my love". When the princess's father found out that her son-in-law was a wealthy man, he soon felt foolish and stupid for having such actions. The princess and the young man, went on to live together and get married.
(My house, just kidding......)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Academic Language Week 32 - Exit Exam

Students should not have to pass a high school exit exam to get a high school diploma. One reason is because it cost a lot of money to DISTRIBUITE the test and send them out. it would save a lot of money if instead the students do a portfolio. Another reason is because it's hard to OBTAIN all the kids to get take the test at a good time, many students then struggle to take the test before they graduate. Additionally, the students time to take the test may VARY and they will not be able to graduate intil they take the test, students might want to drop out of high school and take the easy way out.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Academic Language Week 31 - Teen Vandals

Parents of teen vandals should not be held responsible for their child's damage. One reason is because punushing a or the parents for something they didn't do, doesn't COMPUTEhould the parents pay for the damage their kids did when they did not even know that was going through their mind. Another reason is, a lot of parents in the U.S are middle class and can not ACHIEVE the amount of money that the vandalized place or company is asking for. Additionally, parents should have to pay for their kids damage because they were not the ones that made the damage, SPECIFIC people should pay for the damage caused because they were the ones that caused the damage. In conclusion, parents should not pay for their child's mistake.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Break Blog Paragraph

 During spring break, my mood was awesome. For example, I got to spend a lot of time with my family and do fun stuff with them. This shows how much I love my family and being with them. This also shows that getting out of SPA for at least a week can be the best thing ever. In addition I got to eat some freshly made Ice cream and pizza. This shows how much I love food, and especially when I don't pay for it. Looking back, it would of been much better if I had spent time with my best friend and my brother because I miss them the most. My mood for the entire spring break was relaxing, calmed and just happy to be with my family.

Week 31

Week 31 vocab cards