
Saturday, September 29, 2012

What is the worst thing parents can do to their children

In my opinion the worst thing a parent can do is not respond to their child, not give them the love and trust that they need. Its very hard for a child to get or have the love and nurture that they need from their mothers. Its important to have the love from then because then they either go looking for it someone else or they grow up with conflicts inside them and being very quite. I honestly think that a mother's love is something that our souls, body and mind really need. As life continues though, we learn to survive with out it and live a good, happy, normal life. Things sometimes get old, and living with out their love is something sometimes, we have to learn to do.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 5

Vaccinations should be required for all students. For example in the website it says that your child is 100 more times likely to get struck by lightning then to have a severe allergic reaction to a vaccine. This shows that it is very unlikely that your child or you will have an allergic reaction to a vaccine, and whether they do or not, it will protect you later on from a worse sickness. In addition the website says or shows that you can still get sick even if you were vaccinated but that does not mean that they don't work, it just means that they are not perfect. This shows that people who are not vaccinated have bigger chances of getting sick or ill. In conclusion, vaccinations should be required for all students.

Monday, September 24, 2012

What advice would you give a new student?

I would tell a new student to take advantage of what they have, simply because you never know what you have until you lose it or way after its gone. I would tell them that your gonna have many obstacles in life but those are just speed bumps that you have to pass to get to your destination. In SPA, there is so many things you can take advantage of, for example when your a senior you have so many opportunities to get a lot of money and even a car. You can get self-passes when you turn sixteen and go wherever you want to go. You can go watch movies with your house, go to amusement parks and most of the time, live a regular life. All that you can get by having good behavior and good relationships with other around you. When drama knocks at your door, all you got to do is not answer it.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

CCS Academic Language Assessment Week 4

The pressure of teen sport has gone to far. For example, athletes are being asked to show up for practice early before school. This shows that they barely have enough time to get ready for school, have breakfast and have a good night's rest. This also shows that in class students will be more tired and sleepy then with regular practice. In addition parents or mostly dads now a day like to have their kids play football or some sort of sport and bride them to play sport, which is piratically forcing them to play. This shows them that those teens do not have a choice in whether they do or do not want to play. In conclusion teens sports have gone to far.

Monday, September 17, 2012

What is something that makes you feel sad?

Something that makes me feel sad is when I see a friend or person that I care about go down. For example, when I see them down or sad and I don't know what to do I feel bad or maybe a little bit sad because when I try to talk to them and they're not responding to the message I am trying to tell them then I really don't know what to do or say. Another thing that makes me feel bad or honestly that kills me is when I see my mom sad or crying, or when she doesn't talk to or do not know whats going on with her.The other thing that makes me feel down or overwhelmed is when I let stuff really get to me and I just sit there and think about it the whole day.Either I always find something to smile or laugh about because I laugh and smile for everything.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

What do we mean when we say, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence"

I think that it means that the second choice or decision that you have is always going to be better. Sometimes people make decisions with out even thinking about them, on the contrary I think they should think about the other choice. debate both choices or "sides" before you make any decision, especially one that will have to be permanent for a long while. Not everything is always going to be "greener on the other side". So next time you have an important decision to make, really thing about both sides first because you never know whats on the other side.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Should parents regulate their teen’s diet and exercise to prevent obesity?

Parents should regulate their teens diet and exercise. One reason they should regulate their teens exercise is be cause being over weight can cause many health problems, for example it increases your chances of developing type two diabetes, strokes, high blood pressure, heart disease and more health issues. APPROPRIATE exercising and eating can help you develop a healthier life, for example it can "protect the brain and ward of mental disorders" says a new review of research states. Living a long and healthy life CONSIST of good routinely exercises and a balanced diet. Americans need to FOCUS on keeping a healthy life and doing activities that are good for their families health. In conclusion parents should regulate their kids meals and exercise.

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 3

Video game makes should  not have the right to sell violent video games to minors. One reason is because it is proven in studies that aggression DERIVES from violent video games. This means that a lot of aggressive people get their aggressiveness from violent video games like "Grand Theft Auto". Another reason why violent video games should not be sold to minors is because the video games reward violence and makes the person playing the game that it is okay to hit or shot some on. Some people say that violent video games are good for you so that you can release any type of anger you may have but scientist have ANALYZED and EXAMINED over 130, 000 participants around the world  and have proven the contrary. In my conclusion violent video games should not be sold to minors because it is scientifically proven that it increases antisocial behavior and aggression.

Paperless Classroom Orientation Unit Assessment 2012

Here is a link to my project

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What is your favourite day of the week?

My favorite day of the week is Friday because its the beginning of the weekend. Its relaxing to sit around and do nothing for a whole day, or to just go out and have fun with people you want to be with and enjoy your time with. Its also good to go out to the movies or where ever you want to go. My other favorite day is Monday because that just means its the beginning of a new week and start fresh and because I like school too. Or any other day when there is no drama and do have to do anything the whole day.

Monday, September 10, 2012

If your friend told you of a secret plan to run away from home, what would you do and why?

If my friend were to tell me that she is going to run away from home I would tell her to rethink it before she does anything. If she were to be like a sister to me then I really would tell her to think about it again because one day she'll wanna leave the place ans the other she'll want to come back. I would also tell her to think about it because you never know what can happen to anyone in the streets because we live in a cold world. I wouldn't let some one I care about make a mistake like that because I would really miss them and feel bad if something bad were to happen to her or him. If they weren't my friend then I would tell them to think about it again because whatever problem they are going through, they will sooner or later get over it and one day will regret leaving what once was their home.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What is the best advice you ever received?

The best advice I have ever gotten was, "don't let little things or people ruin your day". It makes sense because If you think about it you live life day by day, and if every time something bad happens in your life you go cry or be mad and sad then your going to live a very stressful life. Life is meant to be enjoyed with love, happiness, and people who care and enjoy being around you. Its meant to make the best out of, no matter what the circumstances are. Enjoy what you have, and realize what you have before you lose it because when you do it'll be to late and you'll want it back. Don't hold grudges because they get you no where in life, and because it makes you some sort of hateful person. Your future doesn't make your present, you make what you make out of it, so learn  from your mistakes and correct them in the future. And my favorite of all, don't take anything or anybody for granted because you never know what could happen.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Should you go to jail for harassing someone via text message or on a social networking site?

You should go to jail for harassing someone on a social network. One reason is because harassing someone in a social network or TEXT is still making someone fell uncomfortable and should know and understand how they are making the person feel. Another reason is because when bullies bully other people on "Facebook" or "Myspace", it is still MAINTAINED as bullying. Another reason is because many people commit suicide for being bullied or harassed because it makes them feel uncomfortable, exams have proved that harassment and bullying a person causes the AFFECT of a deterioration of the victim's physical and mental health. Additionally, if harassers don not learn the consequences of harassing they will keep doing it to others. In conclusion people should go to jail for harassing people via text or a social network.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

When you are angry, how do you look?

Some people when they get mad, they get their anger out by doing things they'll probably regret later on. Many let violence take over, or some people like to talk and vent. When I am angry I choose to hide my emotions or turn down everyone that tries to talk to me. I hide my emotions because I was thought that not everyone will understand you or get what you're going through. Later on when I get home I write about it to get out of my system, if I ever do say or do something rude to someone, it may be because that's the person I am angry at. I like to smile and get along with my day with no worries, and without anyone who tries to ruin it. I've also learned to smile and live everyday like you would if it was your last because we only have one life and you have to make the best out of it.