
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

When you are angry, how do you look?

Some people when they get mad, they get their anger out by doing things they'll probably regret later on. Many let violence take over, or some people like to talk and vent. When I am angry I choose to hide my emotions or turn down everyone that tries to talk to me. I hide my emotions because I was thought that not everyone will understand you or get what you're going through. Later on when I get home I write about it to get out of my system, if I ever do say or do something rude to someone, it may be because that's the person I am angry at. I like to smile and get along with my day with no worries, and without anyone who tries to ruin it. I've also learned to smile and live everyday like you would if it was your last because we only have one life and you have to make the best out of it.

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